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Health Minister tells when problem with medicines in Kyrgyzstan to be solved

Medicines are currently being purchased for the second quarter of 2024. Minister of Health of Kyrgyzstan, Alymkadyr Beishenaliev, told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, by April 15 there will be 100 percent coverage of all applications submitted by 290 healthcare organizations.

«I have now gathered the heads of Kyrgyzfarmatsiya state enterprise. Hospitals are 70-80 percent supplied with medicines,» said Alymkadyr Beishenaliev.

According to the data presented by the minister, the supply with medicines is the lowest in Issyk-Kul region (65 percent), the highest is in Bishkek (85 percent), in Chui region — 80 percent, in other regions — 70.

When asked whether patients buy medicines at their own expense, the head of the Ministry of Health replied: «There is a list of vital medicines, we provide it 100 percent. But doctors prescribe medicines that I, a physician, have never heard of—they are in short supply. Previously, doctors received bonuses from private pharmacies, but we are fighting this. It is impossible to change this in a short time.»

Earlier, the deputy of Parliament Dastan Bekeshev reported about the shortage of medicines. The day before, evidence-based medicine expert and head of the Independent Medical Trade Union Bermet Baryktabasova also reported on the problem on Facebook. According to her, there are no medicines or they are running out, and applications to Kyrgyzfarmatsiya for the supply of medicines have been pending for the second quarter since the beginning of the year.

Kyrgyzfarmatsiya state enterprise was created in March 2023 in order to improve the availability of medicines for the population. It was reported that thanks to the creation of the state-owned enterprise, more than 300 million soms were saved on the purchase of medicines.
